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Percy Liang, Michael I Jordan and Dan Klein. 2013. Learning dependency-based compositional semantics. Computational Linguistics, vol 39, no 2, pp 389--446. MIT Press. cit 79. [semparse, d=jobs, d=geo] pdf annote google scholar
Christof Koch. 2012. Consciousness. MIT Press. [ebook] epub google scholar books
S. Sra, S. Nowozin and S.J. Wright. 2012. Optimization for Machine Learning. MIT Press. [book.ml, ebook] url pdf google scholar books
Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto. 2012. Introduction to reinforcement learning. MIT Press. (draft 2nd ed.). [bridge, rl, book.ml] pdf url url pdf google scholar books
K.P. Murphy. 2012. Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective. Mit Press. [book.ml, ebook] pdf url url pdf google scholar books
M. Mohri, A. Rostamizadeh and A. Talwalkar. 2012. Foundations of Machine Learning. MIT Press. [book.ml, ebook, perceptron] url pdf google scholar books
Yue Zhang and Stephen Clark. 2011. Syntactic processing using the generalized perceptron and beam search. Computational Linguistics, vol 37, no 1, pp 105--151. MIT Press. [dparse] pdf google scholar
Deniz Yuret and Mehmet Ali Yatbaz. 2010. The Noisy Channel Model for Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation. Computational Linguistics, vol 36, no 1, pp 111--127, March. MIT Press. [ai.ku, fulbright] pdf google scholar
D. Koller and N. Friedman. 2009. Probabilistic Graphical Models: Principles and Techniques. Mit Press. [book.ml, ebook] url pdf pdf google scholar books
Yoshua Bengio and Yann LeCun. 2007. Scaling learning algorithms towards AI. In Large-Scale Kernel Machines. MIT press pdf google scholar
Stephen Clark and James R Curran. 2007. Wide-coverage efficient statistical parsing with CCG and log-linear models. Computational Linguistics, vol 33, no 4, pp 493--552. MIT Press pdf google scholar
R. Pfeifer, J. Bongard and S. Grand. 2007. How the body shapes the way we think: a new view of intelligence. MIT Press. [book.brain] url google scholar books
G. BakIr and Neural Information Processing Systems Foundation . 2007. Predicting Structured Data. MIT Press. [book.ml] url pdf google scholar books
C. E. Rasmussen and C. K. I. Williams. 2006. Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning. MIT Press. [book.ml, missing, ebook] url pdf google scholar books
O. Chapelle, B. Schölkopf and A. Zien, editors. 2006. Semi-supervised learning. MIT Press. [book.ml] google scholar books
S. Goldwater, T.L. Griffiths and M. Johnson. 2006. Interpolating between types and tokens by estimating power-law generators. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, vol 18. MIT Press. [SLM, acl08smoothing] pdf google scholar
Charles Sutton and Andrew McCallum. 2006. An Introduction to Conditional Random Fields for Relational Learning. In Introduction to Statistical Relational Learning. MIT Press. [comp542] pdf google scholar
D.C. Dennett. 2005. Sweet dreams: philosophical obstacles to a science of consciousness. MIT Press. [book.brain] url google scholar books
Michael Collins and Terry Koo. 2005. Discriminative reranking for natural language parsing. Computational Linguistics, vol 31, no 1, pp 25--70. MIT Press. [parsing] google scholar
Rens Bod, Jennifer Hay and Stefanie Jannedy, editors. 2003. Probabilistic linguistics. MIT Press. [book.language] google scholar books
D. Gentner and S. Goldin-Meadow. 2003. Language in mind: advances in the study of language and thought. MIT Press. [book.language] url google scholar books
Michael I. Jordan and Y. Weiss. 2002. Graphical models: Probabilistic inference. In The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, Cambridge, MA. MIT Press. [Bayes, npbayes] ps google scholar
P.S. Churchland. 2002. Brain-wise: studies in neurophilosophy. MIT Press. [book.brain, ebook, missing] url google scholar books
Patricia Smith Churchland. 2002. Brain-Wise: Studies in Neurophilosophy. MIT Press. [ebook] epub google scholar books
Bernhard Schölkopf and Alexander J Smola. 2002. Learning with kernels: Support vector machines, regularization, optimization, and beyond. MIT press. [perceptron, book.ml, ebook] pdf google scholar books
M. Johnson. 2002. Squibs and discussions: the DOP Estimation method is biased and inconsistent. Computational Linguistics, vol 28, no 1, pp 71--76. MIT Press. [uparse, DOP] google scholar
Gerald Jay Sussman, Jack Wisdom and Meinhard E. Mayer. 2001. Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics. MIT Press. [book.computers] google scholar books
Mark A. Paskin. 2001. Grammatical Bigrams. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 14 (NIPS-01), Cambridge, MA. MIT Press. [NLP, uparse] pdf google scholar
Mark Stevenson and Yorick Wilks. 2001. The interaction of knowledge sources for word sense disambiguation. Computational Linguistics, vol 27, no 3, pp 321--349. MIT Press. [WSD] google scholar
J.F. Sowa. 2000. Knowledge Representation: Logical, Philosophical, and Computational Foundations. MIT Press. [book.ai] google scholar books
Leonard Talmy. 2000. Toward a Cognitive Semantics, Vol 1: Concept Structuring Systems, Vol 2: Typology and Process in Concept Structuring. MIT Press. [book.language, 3D] google scholar books
Paul Bloom. 2000. How Children Learn the Meanings of Words. MIT Press. [book.language, duplicate] google scholar books
M. Steedman. 2000. The Syntactic Process. MIT Press. [ebook, book.language, nlpcourse, missing] pdf url google scholar books
Rodney Allen Brooks. 1999. Cambrian intelligence. MIT Press. [book.ai] google scholar books
Charles G. Gross. 1999. Brain, vision, memory. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
Shimon Edelman. 1999. Representation and Recognition in Vision. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
Christopher D. Manning and Hinrich Schutze. 1999. Foundations of statistical natural language processing. MIT Press. [book.language, ebook, comp542, missing] url pdf google scholar books
Eric Margolis and Stephen Laurence, editors. 1999. Concepts: Core Readings. MIT Press. [book.language, 3D] google scholar books
Kevin Knight. 1999. Decoding complexity in word-replacement translation models. Computational Linguistics, vol 25, no 4, pp 607--615. MIT Press. [cwc] pdf google scholar
Jen Nan Chen and Jason S. Chang. 1998. Topical clustering of MRD senses based on information retrieval techniques. Computational Linguistics, vol 24, no 1, pp 61--96, March. MIT Press. [WSD] google scholar
Geoffrey Towell and Ellen M. Voorhees. 1998. Disambiguating highly ambiguous words. Computational Linguistics, vol 24, no 1, pp 125--146, March. MIT Press. [WSD] google scholar
Hinrich Schutze. 1998. Automatic word sense discrimination. Computational Linguistics, vol 24, no 1, pp 97--124, March. MIT Press. [WSD] google scholar
Nancy Ide and Jean Veronis. 1998. Introduction to the special issue on word sense disambiguation: the state of the art. Computational Linguistics, vol 24, no 1, pp 1--40, March. MIT Press. [WSD] google scholar
Yael Karov and Shimon Edelman. 1998. Similarity based word sense disambiguation. Computational Linguistics, vol 24, no 1, pp 41--60, March. MIT Press. [WSD] google scholar
Brendan J. Frey. 1998. Graphical models for machine learning and digital communication. MIT Press. [book.ai] google scholar books
Julie Sussman, Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman. 1998. Instructor's Manual to Accompany Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. MIT Press. [book.computers] google scholar books
George A. Miller. 1998. Nouns in WordNet. In WordNet: An Electronic Lexical Database. MIT Press. [semeval07.bib] google scholar
Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto. 1998. Introduction to reinforcement learning. MIT Press. [bridge, rl, book.ml] url url google scholar books
Christiane Fellbaum, editor. 1998. Wordnet: An Electronic Lexical Database. MIT Press. [book.language, semeval07.bib, cl09bib, ebook] pdf google scholar books
Daniel Dennett. 1998. Brainchildren. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
B. Carpenter. 1997. Type-logical Semantics. MIT Press. [book.language, ebook, missing] pdf url google scholar books
John Haugeland, editor. 1997. Mind design II. MIT Press. [book.ai] google scholar books
David G. Stork, editor. 1997. Hal's legacy. MIT Press. [book.ai] google scholar books
Michael S. Gazzaniga. 1997. Conversations in the cognitive neurosciences. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
Martin A. Conway. 1997. Cognitive models of memory. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
Frederick Jelinek. 1997. Statistical Methods for Speech Recognition. MIT Press. [book.language] google scholar books
Judith Klavans and Resnik Philip, editors. 1996. The balancing act. MIT Press. [book.language] google scholar books
Branimir Boguraev and James Pustejovsky. 1996. Corpus processing for lexical acquisition. MIT Press. igor. [book.language] google scholar books
Horst Hendriks-Jansen. 1996. Catching ourselves in the act. MIT Press. home. [book.ai] google scholar books
Richard K. Guy. 1996. Combinatorial games. MIT Press. [book.mathtext] google scholar books
Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman and Julie Sussman. 1996. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. MIT Press. [book.computers] google scholar books
Shimon Ullman. 1996. High level vision. MIT Press. [book.ai] google scholar books
Brian Cantwell Smith. 1996. On the origin of objects. MIT Press. dennett suggested, about how minds parse reality; home. [book.philosophy] google scholar books
Joshua M. Epstein and Robert Axtell. 1996. Growing artificial societies. MIT Press. [book.science] google scholar books
Marc D. Hauser. 1996. The evolution of communication. MIT Press. home. [book.language] google scholar books
Fred Rieke, et al. 1996. Spikes: exploring the neural code. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
Joaquin M. Fuster. 1995. Memory in the cerebral cortex. MIT Press. read; sajit recommended. [book.brain] google scholar books
Richard Feynman. 1995. The character of physical law. MIT Press. laurel. [book.science] google scholar books
Michael S. Gazzaniga. 1995. The cognitive neurosciences. MIT Press. read. [book.brain] google scholar books
James Pustejovsky. 1995. The generative lexicon. MIT Press. [book.language, 3D] google scholar books
Noam Chomsky. 1995. The minimalist program. MIT Press. [book.language] google scholar books
Mohamad H. Hassoun. 1995. Fundamentals of artificial neural networks. MIT Press. [book.ml] google scholar books
William J. Mitchell. 1995. City of Bits: Space, Place, and the Infobahn. MIT Press. [book.science] google scholar books
R. Jackendoff. 1995. Languages of the mind: essays on mental representation. MIT Press. [book.language] url google scholar books
Michael A. Arbib. 1995. The handbook of brain theory and neural networks. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
Michael Kearns and Umesh V. Vazirani. 1994. An introduction to computational learning theory. MIT Press. [book.ml] pdf google scholar books
Lila Gleitman and Barbara Landau. 1994. The acquisition of the lexicon. MIT Press. igor. [book.language] google scholar books
Paul Bloom, editor. 1994. Language Acquisition: Core Readings. MIT Press. [book.language] google scholar books
Christof Koch and Joel L. Davis. 1994. Large-scale neuronal theories of the brain. MIT Press. read; from cynthia. [book.brain] google scholar books
S.J. Hanson, et al. 1994. Computational learning theory and natural learning systems (3 vols). MIT Press. [book.ml] google scholar books
Stephen M. Kosslyn. 1994. Image and brain. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
Susan Armstrong. 1994. Using large corpora. MIT Press. collection of CL articles;. [book.language] google scholar books
Esther Thelen and Linda B. Smith. 1994. A dynamic systems approach to the development of cognition and action. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
Eugene Charniak. 1993. Statistical language learning. MIT Press. [book.language] google scholar books
Hubert L. Dreyfus. 1993. What computers still can't do. MIT Press. [book.ai] google scholar books
Eugene Charniak. 1993. Statistical Language Learning, pp 21-101. MIT Press. [NLP] google scholar
Stephen M. Kosslyn and Richard A. Andersen, editors. 1992. Frontiers in cognitive neuroscience. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
Annette Karmiloff-Smith. 1992. Beyond modularity. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
Pierre Buser and Michel Imbert. 1992. Vision. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
Owen Flanagan. 1992. Consciousness reconsidered. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
Pierre Buser and Michel Imbert. 1992. Audition. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
Patricia S. Churchland and Terrence J. Sejnowski. 1992. The computational brain. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
Hiyan Alshawi. 1992. The core language engine. MIT Press. [book.language] google scholar books
Barbara Von Eckardt. 1992. What is cognitive science. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
Stephen Grossberg. 1992. Neural networks and natural intelligence. MIT Press. [book.ai] google scholar books
Emmanuel Davoust. 1991. The cosmic waterhole. MIT Press. [book.science] google scholar books
Eric Raymond. 1991. The new hacker's dictionary. MIT Press. [book.computers] google scholar books
Fudenberg and Tirole . 1991. Game theory. MIT Press. [book.econ] google scholar books
D. Chapman. 1991. Vision, instruction, and action. MIT Press. [book.ai] url google scholar books
Francisco J. Varela, Evan Thompson and Eleanor Rosch. 1991. The embodied mind. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
Gary L. Drescher. 1991. Made-up minds. MIT Press. [book.ai] google scholar books
Robert C. Berwick and Sandiway Fong. 1990. Principle-based parsing: Natural language processing for the 1990s. In Artificial Intelligence at MIT: Expanding Frontiers, vol 1, pp 287-325. MIT Press. [NLP] google scholar
Osherson and al . 1990. An invitation to cognitive science, 3 vols. MIT Press. Vol 1: Language; Vol 2: Visual cognition and action; Vol 3: Thinking;. [book.brain] google scholar books
Charles R. Gallistel. 1990. The organization of learning. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
Raymond Kurzweil. 1990. The age of intelligent machines. MIT Press. [book.ai] google scholar books
Ray Jackendoff. 1990. Semantic Structures. MIT Press. [book.language, 3D] google scholar books
Albert S. Bregman. 1990. Auditory scene analysis. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
R.S. Jackendoff. 1990. Consciousness and the computational mind. MIT Press. [book.language] url google scholar books
Martha Farah. 1990. Visual Agnosia. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
Michael I. Posner. 1989. Foundations of cognitive science. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
Santiago Ramón y Cajal. 1989. Recollections of my life. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
Ellen M. Markman. 1989. Categorization and Naming in Children: Problems of Induction. MIT Press. [book.language] google scholar books
Robert Cummins. 1989. Meaning and mental representation. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
Olivier Jean Blanchard and Stanley Fischer. 1989. Lectures on macroeconomics. MIT Press. [book.econ] google scholar books
Frank C. Keil. 1989. Concepts, kinds, and cognitive development. MIT Press. [book.language] google scholar books
Noam Chomsky. 1988. Language and problems of knowledge. MIT Press. [book.language] google scholar books
James A. Anderson and Edward Rosenfeld. 1988. Neurocomputing (2 vols). MIT Press. from hertz; all classical nnet-brain papers; hebb, mcculloch, lashley, rosenblatt, minsky.... [book.brain] google scholar books
Michael S. Gazzaniga. 1988. Perspectives in memory research. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
Pentti Kanerva. 1988. Sparse distributed memory. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
Warren S McCulloch. 1988. Embodiments of mind. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
Hilary Putnam. 1988. Representation and reality. MIT Press. [book.philosophy] google scholar books
Steven Pinker and Jacques Mehler, editors. 1988. Connections and symbols. MIT Press. [book.language] google scholar books
Paul M. Churchland. 1988. Matter and consciousness. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
Marvin Minsky and Seymour Papert. 1988. Perceptrons. MIT Press. [book.ai] google scholar books
Daniel Dennett. 1987. The intentional stance. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
William Eric Leifur Grimson and Ramesh S. Patil. 1987. Ai in the 1980s and beyond. MIT Press. [book.ai] google scholar books
Pat Langley, Herbert Alexander Simon, Gary L. Bradshaw and Jan M. Zytkow. 1987. Scientific discovery. MIT Press. [book.ai] google scholar books
Tommaso Toffoli and Norman Margolus. 1987. Cellular automata machines: a new environment for modeling. MIT Press. [book.ai] google scholar books
Margaret A. Boden. 1987. Artificial intelligence and natural man. MIT Press. [book.ai] google scholar books
James Clayson. 1987. Visual modeling with LOGO. MIT Press. [book.computers] google scholar books
Robert M. Martin. 1987. The meaning of language. MIT Press. [book.language] google scholar books
Michael A. Arbib and Allen R. Hanson, editors. 1987. Vision, brain and cooperative computation. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
Lev Vygotsky. 1986. Thought and language. MIT Press. [book.language] google scholar books
David E. Rumelhart and James L. McClelland. 1986. Parallel distributed processing, 2 vols. MIT Press. :explorations in the microstructure of cognition; Vol.1: Foundations; Vol.2: Psychological and biological models; got two copies. [book.brain] google scholar books
Elizabeth Antebi and David Fishlock. 1986. Biotechnology. MIT Press. oversize. [book.science, missing] google scholar books
David Premack. 1986. Gavagai!. MIT Press. [book.language] google scholar books
Daniel N. Osherson, Michael Strob and Scott Weinstein. 1986. Systems that learn. MIT Press. [book.ml] google scholar books
Noam Chomsky. 1986. Barriers. MIT Press. [book.language] google scholar books
Sterling and Shapiro . 1986. The art of prolog. MIT Press. [book.computers] google scholar books
Patricia S. Churchland. 1986. Neurophilosophy. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
Rom Harré and Roger Lamb, editors. 1986. Dictionary of Psychology, 3 vols. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
John Haugeland. 1985. Artificial intelligence. MIT Press. [book.ai] google scholar books
R.S. Jackendoff. 1985. Semantics and cognition. MIT Press. [book.language] url google scholar books
W. Daniel Hillis. 1985. The connection machine. MIT Press. [book.ai] google scholar books
Susan Carey. 1985. Conceptual Change in Childhood. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
Earl R. Mac Cormac. 1985. A cognitive theory of metaphor. MIT Press. [book.language] google scholar books
Robert C. Berwick. 1985. The acquisition of syntactic knowledge. MIT Press. [book.language] google scholar books
Patrick Henry Winston and Karen A. Prendergast. 1984. The AI business. MIT Press. [book.ai] google scholar books
Robert C. Berwick and Amy S. Weinberg. 1984. The grammatical basis of linguistic performance. MIT Press. [book.language] google scholar books
Valentino Braitenberg. 1984. Vehicles, experiments in synthetic psychology. MIT Press. [book.ai] google scholar books
Adrian Akmajian, Richard A. Demers and Robert M. Harnish. 1984. Linguistics: an introduction to language and communication. MIT Press. [book.language] google scholar books
Zenon W. Pylyshyn. 1984. Computation and cognition. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
Daniel Dennett. 1984. Elbow room. MIT Press. [missing, book.brain] google scholar books
J.A. Fodor. 1983. The modularity of mind. MIT Press. from karmiloff-smith. [book.brain] google scholar books
Jon Barwise and John Perry. 1983. Situations and attitudes. MIT Press. [book.language] google scholar books
Joan Bresnan. 1982. The mental representation of grammatical relations. MIT Press. lexical functional grammar. [book.language] google scholar books
John Macnamara. 1982. Names for Things: A Study of Human Learning. MIT Press. [book.language] google scholar books
Noam Chomsky. 1982. Some concepts and consequences of the theory of government and binding. MIT Press. [book.language] google scholar books
William Eric Leifur Grimson. 1981. From images to surfaces. MIT Press. [book.ai] google scholar books
Herbert Alexander Simon. 1981. The sciences of the artificial. MIT Press. [book.ai] google scholar books
John Haugeland, editor. 1981. Mind design. MIT Press. [book.ai] google scholar books
Ned Block, editor. 1981. Imagery. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
Cyril Stanley Smith. 1981. A search for structure. MIT Press. [book.science] google scholar books
Mitchell Marcus. 1980. A theory of syntactic recognition for natural language. MIT Press. [book.language, duplicate] google scholar books
Patrick Henry Winston and Richard Henry Brown. 1979. Artificial intelligence, an MIT perspective, 2 vols. MIT Press. Vol 1: prob solving, natural lang,; representation and learning; Vol 2: vision, manipulation, computer; design and symbol manipultion;. [book.ai] google scholar books
Robert J. Jeffers and Ilse Lehiste. 1979. Principles and methods for historical linguistics. MIT Press. [book.language] google scholar books
Morris Halle, Joan Bresnan and George A. Miller, editors. 1978. Linguistic theory and psychological reality. MIT Press. [book.language] google scholar books
Daniel Dennett. 1978. Brainstorms. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
Ray Jackendoff. 1977. X-bar syntax: a study of phrase structure. MIT Press. [book.language] google scholar books
James F. Kavanagh and James E. Cutting, editors. 1975. The role of speech in language. MIT Press. [book.language] google scholar books
Noam Chomsky and Morris Halle. 1968. The sound pattern of english. MIT Press. [book.language] google scholar books
Marvin Minsky. 1968. Semantic information processing. MIT Press. [book.ai] google scholar books
Noam Chomsky. 1965. Aspects of the theory of syntax. MIT Press. [book.language, NLP] google scholar books
Wiener , Norbert and 1894-1964 . 1961. Cybernetics. MIT Press. [book.ai] google scholar books

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