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author = Carreras, Xavier (5 entries)  Select: All None   Action: Show BibTeX

Jun Suzuki, Hideki Isozaki, Xavier Carreras and Michael Collins. 2009. An Empirical Study of Semi-supervised Structured Conditional Models for Dependency Parsing. In Proceedings of the 2009 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, pp 551--560, Singapore, August. Association for Computational Linguistics. [dparse, dparse.graph] pdf google scholar
Terry Koo, Xavier Carreras and Michael Collins. 2008. Simple Semi-supervised Dependency Parsing. In Proceedings of ACL-08: HLT, pp 595--603, Columbus, Ohio, June. Association for Computational Linguistics. [dparse, dparse.graph] pdf google scholar
Xavier Carreras. 2007. Experiments with a Higher-Order Projective Dependency Parser. In Proceedings of the CoNLL Shared Task Session of EMNLP-CoNLL 2007, pp 957--961, Prague, Czech Republic, June. Association for Computational Linguistics. [dparse, dparse.graph] pdf google scholar
Xavier Carreras and Lluís Màrquez. 2004. Introduction to the CoNLL-2004 Shared Task: Semantic Role Labeling. In HLT-NAACL 2004 Workshop: Eighth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL-2004), pp 89--97, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, May 6 - May 7. Association for Computational Linguistics. [conll08st] google scholar
Xavier Carreras and Lluís Màrquez. 2004. Introduction to the CoNLL-2004 Shared Task: Semantic Role Labeling. In HLT-NAACL 2004 Workshop: Eighth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL-2004), pp 89--97, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, May 6 - May 7. Association for Computational Linguistics. [conll08st] google scholar

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