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author = FitzGerald, Nicholas (3 entries)  Select: All None   Action: Show BibTeX

Nicholas FitzGerald, Yoav Artzi and Luke Zettlemoyer. 2013. Learning Distributions over Logical Forms for Referring Expression Generation. In Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, pp 1914--1925, Seattle, Washington, USA, October. Association for Computational Linguistics. [spf, semparse] url google scholar
Yoav Artzi, Nicholas FitzGerald and Luke Zettlemoyer. 2013. Semantic parsing with combinatory categorial grammars. ACL 2013 Tutorial. [spf, semparse, afz] pdf google scholar
Cynthia Matuszek, Nicholas FitzGerald, Luke Zettlemoyer, Liefeng Bo and Dieter Fox. 2012. A joint model of language and perception for grounded attribute learning. ICML. cit 20. [semparse] url annote google scholar

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