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author = Girju, Roxana (2 entries)  Select: All None   Action: Show BibTeX

Roxana Girju, Preslav Nakov, Vivi Nastase, Stan Szpakowicz, Peter Turney and Deniz Yuret. 2009. Classification of Semantic Relations between Nominals. Language Resources and Evaluation, vol 43, no 2, pp 105--121, June. Springer. [ai.ku] pdf url google scholar
Roxana Girju, Preslav Nakov, Vivi Nastase, Stan Szpakowicz, Peter Turney and Deniz Yuret. 2007. SemEval-2007 Task 04: Classification of Semantic Relations between Nominals. In SemEval-2007: 4th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations, June. [semeval07.bib, ai.ku] pdf google scholar

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