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author = Mishkin, Mortimer (3 entries)  Select: All None   Action: Show BibTeX

Elisabeth A. Murray, David Gaffan and Mortimer Mishkin. 1993. Neural substrates of visual stimulus-stimulus association in rhesus monkeys. The Journal of Neuroscience, vol 13, no 10, pp 4549-4561, October. [COG] google scholar
Mortimer Mishkin, Barbara Malamut and Jocelyne Bachevalier. 1984. Memories and habits: Two neural systems, pp 65-77. From:Lynch et al, Neurobiology of leaning and memory. [COG] google scholar
Mortimer Mishkin. 1982. A memory system in the monkey. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, vol 298, pp 85-95. [COG] google scholar

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