Hoifung Poon and
Pedro Domingos.
Unsupervised ontology induction from text. In
Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pp
Association for Computational Linguistics. cit
62. [
pdf abstract google scholar
Extracting knowledge from unstructured text is a long-standing goal of NLP. Al- though learning approaches to many of its subtasks have been developed (e.g., pars- ing, taxonomy induction, information ex- traction), all end-to-end solutions to date require heavy supervision and/or manual engineering, limiting their scope and scal- ability. We present OntoUSP, a system that induces and populates a probabilistic on- tology using only dependency-parsed text as input. OntoUSP builds on the USP unsupervised semantic parser by jointly forming ISA and IS-PART hierarchies of lambda-form clusters. The ISA hierar- chy allows more general knowledge to be learned, and the use of smoothing for parameter estimation. We evaluate On- toUSP by using it to extract a knowledge base from biomedical abstracts and an- swer questions. OntoUSP improves on the recall of USP by 47% and greatly outperforms previous state-of-the-art ap- proaches.