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journal = Artificial Intelligence (33 entries)  Select: All None   Action: Show BibTeX

Deb Roy and Ehud Reiter. 2005. Connecting Language to the World. Artificial Intelligence, vol 167, no 1--2. [SituatedLanguage, semparse] pdf google scholar
Deb Roy. 2005. Semiotic schemas: A framework for grounding language in action and perception. Artificial Intelligence, vol 167, no 1--2. [SituatedLanguage, semparse] pdf google scholar
B. Webber, N. Badler, B. Di Eugenio, C. Geib, L. Levison and M. Moore. 1995. Instructions, intentions and expectations. Artificial Intelligence, vol 73, no 1-2, pp 253--269. Elsevier. (AnimNL Project). [3D] pdf google scholar
Robert Neches. 1993. Book Review: D.B. Lenat and R.V. Guha, Building Large Knowledge-Based Systems: Representation and Inference in the Cyc Project. Artificial Intelligence, vol 61, pp 65-79. [AI] google scholar
Drew McDermott. 1993. Book Review: D.B. Lenat and R.V. Guha, Building Large Knowledge-Based Systems: Representation and Inference in the Cyc Project. Artificial Intelligence, vol 61, pp 53-63. [AI] google scholar
James Pustejovsky and Branimir Boguraev. 1993. Lexical knowledge representation and natural language processing. Artificial Intelligence, vol 63, pp 193-223. [NLP, 3D] google scholar
John F Sowa. 1993. Book Review: D.B. Lenat and R.V. Guha, Building Large Knowledge-Based Systems: Representation and Inference in the Cyc Project. Artificial Intelligence, vol 61, pp 95-104. [AI] google scholar
Jerry R. Hobbs, Mark E. Stickel, Douglas E. Appelt and Paul Martin. 1993. Interpretation as abduction. Artificial Intelligence, vol 63, pp 69-142. [NLP] google scholar
Douglas Skuce. 1993. Book Review: D.B. Lenat and R.V. Guha, Building Large Knowledge-Based Systems: Representation and Inference in the Cyc Project. Artificial Intelligence, vol 61, pp 81-94. [AI] google scholar
P.S. Jacobs and L.F. Rau. 1993. Innovations in text interpretation. Artificial Intelligence, vol 63, no 1-2, pp 143-191. [NLP] google scholar
Charles Elkan and Russell Greiner. 1993. Book Review: D.B. Lenat and R.V. Guha, Building Large Knowledge-Based Systems: Representation and Inference in the Cyc Project. Artificial Intelligence, vol 61, pp 41-52. [AI] google scholar
RV Guha and Douglas B. Lenat. 1993. Re: CycLing paper reviews. Artificial Intelligence, vol 61, pp 149-174. [AI] google scholar
Mark S. Tuttle. 1993. Book Review: E. Davis, Representations of Commonsense Knowledge, and D.B. Lenat and R.V. Guha, Building Large Knowledge-Based Systems. Artificial Intelligence, vol 61, pp 121-148. [AI] google scholar
Brian Cantwell Smith. 1991. The owl and the electric encyclopedia. Artificial Intelligence, vol 47, pp 251-288. [AI] google scholar
Rodney Allen Brooks. 1991. Intelligence without representation. Artificial Intelligence, vol 47, pp 139-159. Reprint:Luger, Computation and Intelligence, 1995. [AI] google scholar
Paul Bloom, John E. Laird, Allen Newell and Robert McCarl. 1991. A preliminary analysis of the Soar architecture as a basis for general intelligence. Artificial Intelligence, vol 47, pp 289-325. [AI] google scholar
Douglas B. Lenat and Edward A. Feigenbaum. 1991. On the thresholds of knowledge. Artificial Intelligence, vol 47, pp 185-250. [AI] google scholar
David Haussler. 1988. Quantifying inductive bias: AI learning algorithms and Valiant's learning framework. Artificial Intelligence, vol 36, pp 177-221. Reprint:Shavlik & Dietterich, Readings in ML, 1990. [AI] google scholar
David Chapman. 1987. Planning for conjunctive goals. Artificial Intelligence, vol 32, pp 333-377. [AI] google scholar
John E. Laird, Allen Newell and Paul Bloom. 1987. SOAR: An architecture for general intelligence. Artificial Intelligence, vol 33, pp 1-64. [AI] google scholar
Judea Pearl. 1986. Fusion, propagation, and structuring in belief networks. Artificial Intelligence, vol 29, pp 241-288. [AI] google scholar
Douglas E. Appelt. 1985. Planning English referring expressions. Artificial Intelligence, vol 26, pp 1-33. [NLP] google scholar
Kathleen R. McKeown. 1985. Discourse strategies for generating natural-language text. Artificial Intelligence, vol 27, pp 1-42. [NLP] google scholar
Kenneth D. Forbus. 1984. Qualitative process theory. Artificial Intelligence, vol 24, pp 85-168. [AI] google scholar
Douglas B. Lenat and John Seely Brown. 1984. Why AM and Eurisko appear to work. Artificial Intelligence, vol 23, pp 269-294. earlier version in Proc AAAI 1983. [AI] google scholar
Brian C. Williams. 1984. Qualitative analysis of MOS circuits. Artificial Intelligence, vol 24, pp 281-346. [AI] google scholar
James F. Allen and C. Raymond Perrault. 1980. Analyzing intention in utterances. Artificial Intelligence, vol 15, pp 143-178. [NLP] google scholar
Fernando CN Pereira and David H.D. Warren. 1980. Definite clause grammars for language analysis - A survey of the formalism and a comparison with augmented transition networks. Artificial Intelligence, vol 13, pp 231-278. [NLP] google scholar
David Marr. 1977. Artificial intelligence: A personal view. Artificial Intelligence, vol 9, pp 37-48. Reprint:Haugeland, Mind Design, 1981. [AI] google scholar
Earl D. Sacerdoti. 1974. Planning in a hierarchy of abstraction spaces. Artificial Intelligence, vol 5, pp 115-135. [AI] google scholar
Ronald M. Kaplan. 1972. Augmented transition networks as psychological models of sentence comprehension. Artificial Intelligence, vol 3, pp 77-100. [NLP] google scholar
Richard E. Fikes, Peter E. Hart and Nils J. Nilsson. 1972. Learning and executing generalized robot plans. Artificial Intelligence, vol 3, no 4, pp 251-288. Reprint:Webber & Nilsson, Readings in AI, 1981, rdgsml. [AI] google scholar
Richard E. Fikes and N.J. Nilsson. 1971. STRIPS: A new approach in the application of theorem proving to problem solving. Artificial Intelligence, vol 2, pp 189-208. Reprint:Luger, Computation and Intelligence, 1995. [AI] google scholar

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