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journal = Natural Language Engineering (12 entries)  Select: All None   Action: Show BibTeX

Lili Kotlerman, Ido Dagan, Idan Szpektor and Maayan Zhitomirsky-Geffet. 2010. Directional distributional similarity for lexical inference. Natural Language Engineering, vol 16, no 4, pp 359--389. Cambridge Univ Press. [ddsim, fulbright] pdf pdf google scholar
I. Dagan, B. Dolan, B. Magnini and D. Roth. 2009. Recognizing textual entailment: Rational, evaluation and approaches. Natural Language Engineering, vol 15, no 04. Cambridge Univ Press. [pete.bib] google scholar
B. Magnini, C. Strapparava, G. Pezzulo and A. Gliozzo. 2003. The role of domain information in word sense disambiguation. Natural Language Engineering, vol 8, no 04, pp 359--373. Cambridge University Press. [cl09bib] pdf google scholar
David Yarowsky and Radu Florian. 2002. Evaluating Sense Disambiguation Across Diverse Parameter Spaces. Natural Language Engineering, vol 8, no 4, pp 293--310. [WSD, semeval07.bib, cl09bib] pdf google scholar
Rada F. Mihalcea. 2002. Word sense disambiguation with pattern learning and automatic feature selection. Natural Language Engineering, vol 8, no 4, pp 343--358. Cambridge University Press. [WSD] google scholar
Veronique Hoste. 2002. Parameter optimization for machine learning of word sense disambiguation. Natural Language Engineering, vol 8, no 4, pp 311--325. Cambridge University Press. [WSD] google scholar
Kenneth Church. 2002. Dedication to William A. Gale. Natural Language Engineering, vol 8, no 4, pp 275--277. Cambridge University Press. [WSD] google scholar
Nicoletta Calzolari, et al. 2002. Evaluating lexical resources using SENSEVAL. Natural Language Engineering, vol 8, no 4, pp 375--390. Cambridge University Press. [WSD] google scholar
Philip Edmonds and Adam Kilgarriff. 2002. Introduction to the special issue on evaluating word sense disambiguation systems. Natural Language Engineering, vol 8, no 4, pp 279--291. Cambridge University Press. [WSD] google scholar
Radu Florian, et al. 2002. Combining classifiers for word sense disambiguation. Natural Language Engineering, vol 8, no 4, pp 327--341. [WSD] pdf google scholar
Philip Resnik and David Yarowsky. 2000. Distinguishing systems and distinguishing senses: new evaluation methods for word sense disambiguation. Natural Language Engineering, vol 5, no 2, pp 113--133. [WSD] google scholar
David J. C. Mackay and Linda C. Bauman Peto. 1995. A hierarchical Dirichlet language model. Natural Language Engineering, vol 1, no 3, pp 1--19. [NLP, SLM, acl08smoothing, comp542] pdf pdf google scholar

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