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journal = Scientific American (5 entries)  Select: All None   Action: Show BibTeX

Eric R. Kandel and Robert D. Hawkins. 1992. The biological basis of learning and individuality. Scientific American, pp 79-86, September. [COG] google scholar
Patricia S. Goldman-Rakic. 1992. Working memory and the mind. Scientific American, pp 111-117, September. [COG] google scholar
Gerald D. Fischbach. 1992. Mind and brain. Scientific American, pp 48-57, September. [COG] google scholar
Antonio R. Damasio and Hanna Damasio. 1992. Brain and language. Scientific American, pp 89-95, September. [COG] google scholar
Francis Crick and Christof Koch. 1992. The problem of consciousness. Scientific American, pp 153-159, September. [COG] google scholar

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