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keywords = Communication (5 entries)  Select: All None   Action: Show BibTeX

Luc Steels . 2006. Experiments on the emergence of human communication. Trends in cognitive sciences, vol 10, no 8, pp 347. [EvoLang , Communication] google scholar
Bruno Galantucci . 2005. An Experimental Study of the Emergence of Human Communication Systems. Cognitive Science, vol 29, pp 737 - 767. [EvoLang , Communication] pdf google scholar
MARK JEFFREYS . 2005. NATURAL-LANGUAGE 'CHEAP TALK' ENABLES COORDINATION ON A SOCIAL- DILEMMA GAME IN A CULTURALLY HOMOGENEOUS POPULATION. In The Sixth International Conference on the Evolution of Language (Evolang6) . [EvoLang , Communication] doc google scholar
Gerald S. Wilkinson , Kyle Wagner , James A. Reggia and Juan Uriagereka . 2003. Progress in the Simulation of Emergent Communication and Language. Adaptive Behaviour, vol 11, no 1, pp 37 - 69. [EvoLang , Communication] google scholar
Simon Kirby . 2002. Natural Language from Artificial Life. Artifical Life, vol 8, no 2, pp 185 - 215. [EvoLang, Communication] pdf annote google scholar

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