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Y. Goldberg and G. Hirst. 2017. Neural Network Methods in Natural Language Processing. Morgan & Claypool Publishers. [book.language, book.ml, ebook, missing] url pdf google scholar books
Noah A. Smith. 2011. Linguistic Structure Prediction. Morgan & Claypool. [comp542, book.language, ebook, missing] url url url pdf google scholar books
B. Ambridge and E.V.M. Lieven. 2011. Child Language Acquisition: Contrasting Theoretical Approaches. Cambridge University Press. [book.language, ebook, missing] url pdf epub google scholar books
D. Deutsch. 2011. The Beginning of Infinity: Explanations That Transform the World. Penguin Group US. [book.science, ebook, missing] url google scholar books
M.L. Murphy. 2010. Lexical Meaning. Cambridge University Press. [3D, book.language, ebook, missing] url mobi google scholar books
G.L. Wenk. 2010. Your brain on food: how chemicals control your thoughts and feelings. Oxford University Press. [book.brain, ebook, missing] url google scholar books
S. Macknick, S. Martinez-Conde and S. Blakeslee. 2010. Sleights of Mind: What the Neuroscience of Magic Reveals about Our Everyday Deceptions. Henry Holt and Co.. [book.brain, ebook, missing] url google scholar books
D. Purves. 2010. How Brains Seem to Work. Pearson Technology Group. [book.brain, ebook, missing] url google scholar books
R.A. Burton. 2009. On Being Certain: Believing You Are Right Even When You're Not. St. Martin's Press. [book.brain, ebook, missing] url google scholar books
V. Evans. 2009. How words mean: lexical concepts, cognitive models, and meaning construction. Oxford University Press. [book.language, ebook, 3D, missing] url google scholar books
S. Kübler, R. McDonald and J. Nivre. 2009. Dependency parsing. Morgan & Claypool, US. [book.language, dparse, missing] pdf google scholar books
G. Marcus. 2009. Kluge: The Haphazard Evolution of the Human Mind. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. [book.brain, ebook, missing] url google scholar books
B. Pang and L. Lee. 2008. Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis. Now Publishers. [book.language, ebook, comp542, missing] url pdf google scholar books
G. Gigerenzer. 2008. Gut Feelings: The Intelligence of the Unconscious. Penguin Books. [book.brain, ebook, probintro, missing] url google scholar books
C.D. Manning, P. Raghavan and H. Schütze. 2008. Introduction to information retrieval. Cambridge University Press. [book.language, ebook, comp542, missing] url pdf google scholar books
Natalie Angier. 2007. The Canon: The Beautiful Basics of Science. Faber and Faber. [book.science, missing] google scholar books
M. Hutter. 2006. Universal Artificial Intelligence: Sequential Decisions Based on Algorithmic Probability. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. [book.ai, ebook, missing] url pdf google scholar books
Gary L. Drescher. 2006. Good and real: demystifying paradoxes from physics to ethics. The MIT Press. [book.ai, book.philosophy, missing] pdf google scholar books
C. E. Rasmussen and C. K. I. Williams. 2006. Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning. MIT Press. [book.ml, missing, ebook] url pdf google scholar books
P. Kroeger. 2005. Analyzing grammar: an introduction. Cambridge University Press. [book.language, ebook, missing] url pdf google scholar books
Ian H. Witten and Eibe Frank. 2005. Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques. Morgan Kaufmann. (Ercument-2011-11-01). [ML, book.ml, missing, ebook] pdf google scholar books
Richard A. Johnson. 2005. Miller & Freund's Probability and Statistics for Engineers. Pearson Prentice Hall. [book.mathtext, missing] google scholar books
P. Bloom. 2005. Descartes' Baby: How the Science of Child Development Explains What Makes Us Human. Basic Books. [book.brain, ebook, missing] url google scholar books
Ray Kurzweil. 2005. The Singularity is Near. Viking. zkurultay-2011-10-4. [book.science, missing] google scholar books
P.S. Churchland. 2002. Brain-wise: studies in neurophilosophy. MIT Press. [book.brain, ebook, missing] url google scholar books
M. Steedman. 2000. The Syntactic Process. MIT Press. [ebook, book.language, nlpcourse, missing] pdf url google scholar books
Christopher D. Manning and Hinrich Schutze. 1999. Foundations of statistical natural language processing. MIT Press. [book.language, ebook, comp542, missing] url pdf google scholar books
C. Goddard. 1998. Semantic analysis: a practical introduction. Oxford University Press. [3D, book.language, ebook, missing] url google scholar books
E. Acar and S. Satchell, editors. 1998. Advanced Trading Rules. Butterworth Heinemann. [book.econ, missing] google scholar books
B. Carpenter. 1997. Type-logical Semantics. MIT Press. [book.language, ebook, missing] pdf url google scholar books
J. Kornfilt. 1997. Turkish. Routledge. [book.language, missing] url google scholar books
Brian Ripley. 1996. Pattern recognition and neural networks. Cambridge. mtsezgin-2011-11-18. [book.ml, missing] google scholar books
R. Rhodes. 1986. The making of the atomic bomb. Simon & Schuster. ihsan. [book.science, missing] url google scholar books
K. Eric Drexler. 1986. Engines of creation. Anchor Books. [book.science, missing] google scholar books
Elizabeth Antebi and David Fishlock. 1986. Biotechnology. MIT Press. oversize. [book.science, missing] google scholar books
Randolph Quirk, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech and Jan Svartvik. 1985. A comprehensive grammar of the english language. Longman. [book.language, ebook, missing] pdf pdf djvu google scholar books
Marian C. Diamond, Arnold B. Scheibel and Lawrence M. Elson. 1985. The human brain coloring book. HarperCollins. [book.brain, missing] google scholar books
Daniel Dennett. 1984. Elbow room. MIT Press. [missing, book.brain] google scholar books
Desmond Morris. 1984. The naked ape. Dell. [book.science, missing] google scholar books
Douglas R. Hofstadter and Daniel Dennett. 1981. The mind's I. Basic Books. [book.brain, missing] google scholar books
Willam A. Martin. 1976. A theory of English grammar. MIT. unpublished notes?. [NLP, book.language, missing] google scholar books
Leonardo Da Vinci. 1970. The notebooks of leonardo da vinci (2 vols). Dover. [book.science, missing] google scholar books
Paul J. Flory. 1969. Statistical Mechanics of Chain Molecules. Hanser. alkan?. [book.scitext, missing] google scholar books
Kenneth Klivington. The science of mind. [book.brain, missing] google scholar books

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