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keywords = semeval07.bib (27 entries)  Select: All None   Action: Show BibTeX

Sameer Pradhan, Edward Loper, Dmitriy Dligach and Martha Palmer. 2007. SemEval-2007 Task-17: English Lexical Sample, SRL and All Words. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval-2007), pp 87--92, Prague, Czech Republic, June. Association for Computational Linguistics. [semeval07.bib, WSD] url google scholar
Roxana Girju, Preslav Nakov, Vivi Nastase, Stan Szpakowicz, Peter Turney and Deniz Yuret. 2007. SemEval-2007 Task 04: Classification of Semantic Relations between Nominals. In SemEval-2007: 4th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations, June. [semeval07.bib, ai.ku] pdf google scholar
Deniz Yuret. 2007. KU: Word Sense Disambiguation by Substitution. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval-2007), pp 207--214, Prague, Czech Republic, June. Association for Computational Linguistics. [semeval07.bib, WSD, acl08smoothing, SLM, cl09bib, ai.ku, scode] url pdf google scholar
Tobias Hawker. 2007. USYD: WSD and Lexical Substitution using the Web1T corpus. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval-2007), pp 446--453, Prague, Czech Republic, June. Association for Computational Linguistics. [semeval07.bib, WSD, acl08smoothing, SLM, cl09bib] url google scholar
Ken Litkowski and Orin Hargraves. 2007. SemEval-2007 Task 06: Word Sense Disambiguation of Prepositions. In SemEval-2007: 4th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations. [semeval07.bib] google scholar
Thesaurus.com . 2007. Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.3.1). Lexico Publishing Group, LLC.. http://thesaurus.reference.com. [semeval07.bib] google scholar books
David Martinez, Eneko Agirre and Xinglong Wang. 2006. Word relatives in context for word sense disambiguation. In Proceedings of the 2006 Australasian Language Technology Workshop (ALTW 2006), pp 42--50. [WSD, semeval07.bib] pdf google scholar
Thorsten Brants and Alex Franz. 2006. Web 1T 5-gram Version 1. Linguistic Data Consortium, Philadelphia. LDC2006T13. [NLP, semeval07.bib, acl08smoothing, SLM, cl09bib] google scholar
Eduard H. Hovy, M. Marcus, M. Palmer, S. Pradhan, L. Ramshaw and R. Weischedel. 2006. OntoNotes: The 90% Solution. In Proceedings of the Human Language Technology / North American Association of Computational Linguistics conference (HLT-NAACL 2006), New York, NY.. Short paper. [semeval07.bib] google scholar
K. C. Litkowski. 2005. The Preposition Project. In Proceedings of the Second ACL-SIGSEM Workshop on The Linguistic Dimensions of Prepositions and their Use in Computational Linguistics Formalisms and Applications, Colchester, England, April. University of Essex. [WSD, semeval07.bib] pdf google scholar
Deniz Yuret. 2004. Some experiments with a Naive Bayes WSD system. In Senseval-3: Third International Workshop on the Evaluation of Systems for the Semantic Analysis of Text, pp 265--268, Barcelona, Spain, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [WSD, semeval07.bib, cl09bib, ai.ku] url pdf ps google scholar
Cristian Grozea. 2004. Finding Optimal Parameter Settings for High Performance Word Sense Disambiguation. In Proceedings of Senseval-3: The Third International Workshop on the Evaluation of Systems for the Semantic Analysis of Text. [semeval07.bib, WSD] pdf google scholar
Rada Mihalcea, Timothy Chklovski and Adam Kilgarriff. 2004. The Senseval-3 English Lexical Sample Task. In Proceedings of Senseval-3: The Third International Workshop on the Evaluation of Systems for the Semantic Analysis of Text. [semeval07.bib, WSD] pdf google scholar
Rada Mihalcea. 2002. Bootstrapping Large Sense Tagged Corpora. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Languages Resources and Evaluations LREC 2002, Las Palmas, Spain, May. [WSD, semeval07.bib] google scholar
David Yarowsky and Radu Florian. 2002. Evaluating Sense Disambiguation Across Diverse Parameter Spaces. Natural Language Engineering, vol 8, no 4, pp 293--310. [WSD, semeval07.bib, cl09bib] pdf google scholar
Claudia Leacock, Martin Chodorow and George A. Miller. 1998. Using corpus statistics and WordNet relations for sense identification. Computational Linguistics, vol 24, no 1, pp 147--166, March. [WSD, semeval07.bib] pdf google scholar
Christiane Fellbaum, editor. 1998. Wordnet: An Electronic Lexical Database. MIT Press. [book.language, semeval07.bib, cl09bib, ebook] pdf google scholar books
George A. Miller. 1998. Nouns in WordNet. In WordNet: An Electronic Lexical Database. MIT Press. [semeval07.bib] google scholar
Dekang Lin. 1997. Using Syntactic Dependency as Local Context to Resolve Word Sense Ambiguity. In Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. [WSD, semeval07.bib] ps google scholar
Stanley F. Chen and Joshua Goodman. 1996. An Empirical Study of Smoothing Techniques for Language Modeling. In Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the ACL. [NLP, SLM, semeval07.bib, acl08smoothing, conll08st, nlpcourse] pdf pdf google scholar
Kenneth Ward Church, William Gale, Patrick Hanks, Donald Hindle and Rosamund Moon. 1994. Lexical Substitutability. In Computational Approaches to the Lexicon, pp 153--177. Oxford University Press. [WSD, semeval07.bib] pdf google scholar
William H. Press, Saul A. Teukolsky, William T. Vetterling and Brian P. Flannery. 1992. Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing. Cambridge University Press. [book.computers, semeval07.bib, ebook] url pdf google scholar books
Kenneth Ward Church, William Gale, Patrick Hanks and Donald Hindle. 1991. Using Statistics in Lexical Analysis. In Lexical Acquisition: Exploiting On-Line Resources to Build a Lexicon. Lawrence Erlbaum. [semeval07.bib] pdf google scholar
Kenneth Ward Church and Patrick Hanks. 1989. Word Association Norms, Mutual Information and Lexicography. Computational Linguistics. [WSD, semeval07.bib] pdf google scholar
Thomas M. Cover and Roger C. King. 1978. A Convergent Gambling Estimate of the Entropy of English. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol 24, no 4, pp 413--421, July. [SLM, NLP, semeval07.bib] pdf google scholar
Henry Kucera and W. Nelson Francis. 1967. Computational Analysis of Present-Day American English. Brown University Press. [book.language, semeval07.bib, acl08smoothing, SLM, cl09bib] google scholar books
Claude Elwood Shannon. 1951. Prediction and Entropy of Printed English. The Bell System Technical Journal, vol 30, pp 50-64. [NLP, SLM, semeval07.bib] pdf google scholar

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