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month = February (7 entries)  Select: All None   Action: Show BibTeX

Ergun Biçici and Deniz Yuret. 2015. Optimizing Instance Selection for Statistical Machine Translation with Feature Decay Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, vol 23, no 2, pp 339--350, February. IEEE. [ai.ku] url pdf google scholar
Mehmet Ali Yatbaz. 2014. Linguistic Category Induction and Tagging Using the Paradigmatic Context Representations with Substitute Words. PhD Thesis, February. Koç University. [ai.ku] pdf pdf url google scholar
Stephane Canu. 2014. Understanding SVM, February. Lectures given at the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sao Paulo. (slides and code). [perceptron] url google scholar
E. Bicici and D. Yuret. 2010. L1 Regularization for Learning Word Alignments in Sparse Feature Matrices. In 1st CSE Student Workshop (CSW'10), February. [ai.ku] url google scholar
Mehmet Ali Yatbaz and Deniz Yuret. 2010. Preprocessing with Linear Transformations that Maximize the Nearest Neighbor Classification Accuracy. In 1st CSE Student Workshop (CSW'10), February. [ai.ku] url google scholar
John E. Hoover and Peter L. Strick. 1993. Multiple output channels in the basal ganglia. Science, vol 259, pp 819-821, February. [COG] google scholar
Aydın Han. 1900. A domain specific Turkish to English statistical machine translation system. MS Thesis, February. Koç University. (in preparation). [ai.ku] google scholar

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