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Dilek Zeynep Hakkani-Tür, Murat Saraçlar, Gökhan Tür, Kemal Oflazer and Deniz Yuret. 2018. Morphological Disambiguation for Turkish. In Turkish Language Processing, pp 53--68, July. Springer International Publishing. [ai.ku] pdf url url google scholar
Greg Durrett and Dan Klein. 2015. Neural CRF Parsing. In Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers), pp 302--312, Beijing, China, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [dparse] url google scholar
Taro Watanabe and Eiichiro Sumita. 2015. Transition-based Neural Constituent Parsing. In Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers), pp 1169--1179, Beijing, China, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [dparse] url annote google scholar
David Weiss, Chris Alberti, Michael Collins and Slav Petrov. 2015. Structured Training for Neural Network Transition-Based Parsing. In Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers), pp 323--333, Beijing, China, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [dparse] url annote google scholar
Hao Zhou, Yue Zhang, Shujian Huang and Jiajun Chen. 2015. A Neural Probabilistic Structured-Prediction Model for Transition-Based Dependency Parsing. In Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers), pp 1213--1222, Beijing, China, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [dparse] url annote google scholar
Joohyun Kim and Raymond Mooney. 2012. Unsupervised PCFG Induction for Grounded Language Learning with Highly Ambiguous Supervision. In Proceedings of the 2012 Joint Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Computational Natural Language Learning, pp 433--444, Jeju Island, Korea, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [uparse] url google scholar
Mehmet Ali Yatbaz, Enis Sert and Deniz Yuret. 2012. Learning Syntactic Categories Using Paradigmatic Representations of Word Context. In Proceedings of the 2012 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-CONLL 2012), Jeju, Korea, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [ai.ku, fulbright, scode, upos] url google scholar
Valentin I. Spitkovsky, Hiyan Alshawi and Daniel Jurafsky. 2012. Three Dependency-and-Boundary Models for Grammar Induction. In Proceedings of the 2012 Joint Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Computational Natural Language Learning, pp 688--698, Jeju Island, Korea, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [uparse] url google scholar
Dave Golland, John DeNero and Jakob Uszkoreit. 2012. A Feature-Rich Constituent Context Model for Grammar Induction. In Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers), pp 17--22, Jeju Island, Korea, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [uparse] url google scholar
David Mareček and ZdenÄ›k \vZabokrtský. 2012. Exploiting Reducibility in Unsupervised Dependency Parsing. In Proceedings of the 2012 Joint Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Computational Natural Language Learning, pp 297--307, Jeju Island, Korea, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [uparse, udep] url google scholar
Hao Zhang and Ryan McDonald. 2012. Generalized Higher-Order Dependency Parsing with Cube Pruning. In Proceedings of the 2012 Joint Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Computational Natural Language Learning, pp 320--331, Jeju Island, Korea, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [dparse, dparse.graph] url google scholar
Kewei Tu and Vasant Honavar. 2012. Unambiguity Regularization for Unsupervised Learning of Probabilistic Grammars. In Proceedings of the 2012 Joint Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Computational Natural Language Learning, pp 1324--1334, Jeju Island, Korea, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [uparse] url google scholar
Ergun Biçici and Deniz Yuret. 2011. RegMT System for Machine Translation, System Combination, and Evaluation. In Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, pp 323--329, Edinburgh, Scotland, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [ai.ku] pdf google scholar
Ergun Biçici and Deniz Yuret. 2011. Instance Selection for Machine Translation using Feature Decay Algorithms. In Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, pp 272--283, Edinburgh, Scotland, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [ai.ku] pdf pdf google scholar
Terry Koo and Michael Collins. 2010. Efficient Third-Order Dependency Parsers. In Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pp 1--11, Uppsala, Sweden, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [dparse, dparse.graph] url pdf google scholar
E. Bicici and D. Yuret. 2010. L 1 regularized regression for reranking and system combination in machine translation. In Proceedings of the Joint Fifth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation and MetricsMATR, pp 282--289, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [ai.ku] url google scholar
D. Yuret, A. Han and Z. Turgut. 2010. Semeval-2010 task 12: Parser evaluation using textual entailments. In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, pp 51--56, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [ai.ku] url google scholar
Roberto Paredes. 2010. Online Learning, July. PASCAL Bootcamp in Machine Learning, Marseille. (video lecture). [perceptron] url google scholar
Thorsten Joachims. 2008. Structured Output Prediction with Structural SVMs, July. PASCAL 6th International Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs (MLG), Helsinki. (video lecture). [perceptron] url google scholar
Roberto Navigli. 2006. Meaningful Clustering of Senses Helps Boost Word Sense Disambiguation Performance. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computational Linguistics and 44th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pp 105--112, Sydney, Australia, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [cl09bib] url google scholar
Massimiliano Ciaramita and Yasemin Altun. 2006. Broad-Coverage Sense Disambiguation and Information Extraction with a Supersense Sequence Tagger. In Proceedings of the 2006 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, pp 594--602, Sydney, Australia, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [cl09bib] url google scholar
Benjamin Snyder and Martha Palmer. 2004. The English all-words task. In ACL 2004 Senseval-3 Workshop, Barcelona, Spain, July. [WSD] pdf google scholar
Deniz Yuret. 2004. Some experiments with a Naive Bayes WSD system. In Senseval-3: Third International Workshop on the Evaluation of Systems for the Semantic Analysis of Text, pp 265--268, Barcelona, Spain, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [WSD, semeval07.bib, cl09bib, ai.ku] url pdf ps google scholar
E. Agirre and D. Martinez. 2004. Unsupervised WSD based on automatically retrieved examples: The importance of bias. In Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), pp 25--32, Barcelona, Spain, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [cl09bib] pdf google scholar
Chris Quirk, Chris Brockett and William B. Dolan. 2004. Monolingual Machine Translation for Paraphrase Generation. In Proceedings of the 2004 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, pp 142--149, Barcelona Spain, July. [Paraphrase] pdf google scholar
Abdessamad Echihabi and Daniel Marcu. 2003. A Noisy-Channel Approach to Question Answering. In Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pp 16--23, Sapporo, Japan, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [cl09bib] url google scholar
Radu Florian and Richard Wicentowski. 2002. Unsupervised Italian word sense disambiguation using WordNets and unlabelled corpora. In Word sense disambiguation: recent successes and future directions, proceedings of the workshop, pp 67--73, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [WSD] pdf google scholar
Veronique Hoste, Walter Daelemans, et al. 2002. Dutch word sense disambiguation: optimizing the localness of context. In Word sense disambiguation: recent successes and future directions, proceedings of the workshop, pp 61--66, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [WSD] google scholar
Veronique Hoste, et al. 2002. Evaluating the results of a memory-based word-expert approach to unrestricted word sense disambiguation. In Word sense disambiguation: recent successes and future directions, proceedings of the workshop, pp 95--101, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [WSD] google scholar
Nancy Ide, et al. 2002. Sense discrimination with parallel corpora. In Word sense disambiguation: recent successes and future directions, proceedings of the workshop, pp 54--60, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [WSD] google scholar
Hoa Trang Dang and Martha Palmer. 2002. Combining contextual features for word sense disambiguation. In Word sense disambiguation: recent successes and future directions, proceedings of the workshop, pp 88--94, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [WSD] google scholar
Eneko Agirre, et al. 2002. A multilingual approach to disambiguate prepositions and case suffixes. In Word sense disambiguation: recent successes and future directions, proceedings of the workshop, pp 1--8, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [WSD] google scholar
Emanuelle Cannesson and Patrick Saint-Dizier. 2002. Defining and representing preposition senses: a preliminary analysis. In Word sense disambiguation: recent successes and future directions, proceedings of the workshop, pp 25--31, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [WSD] google scholar
Timothy Chklovski and Rada Mihalcea. 2002. Building a sense tagged corpus with open mind word expert. In Word sense disambiguation: recent successes and future directions, proceedings of the workshop, pp 116--122, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [WSD] google scholar
Irina Chugur and Julio Gonzalo. 2002. A study of polysemy and sense proximity in the senseval-2 test suite. In Word sense disambiguation: recent successes and future directions, proceedings of the workshop, pp 32--39, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [WSD] google scholar
Kenneth Litkowski. 2002. Digraph analysis of dictionary preposition definitions. In Word sense disambiguation: recent successes and future directions, proceedings of the workshop, pp 9--16, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [WSD] google scholar
Dan Klein, et al. 2002. Combining heterogeneous classifiers for word sense disambiguation. In Word sense disambiguation: recent successes and future directions, proceedings of the workshop, pp 74--80, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [WSD] google scholar
Kenneth Litkowski. 2002. Sense information for disambiguation: confluence of supervised and unsupervised methods. In Word sense disambiguation: recent successes and future directions, proceedings of the workshop, pp 47--53, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [WSD] google scholar
Ted Pedersen. 2002. Evaluating the effectiveness of ensembles of decision trees in disambiguating senseval lexical samples. In Word sense disambiguation: recent successes and future directions, proceedings of the workshop, pp 81--87, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [WSD] google scholar
Judita Preiss and Anna Korhonen. 2002. Improving subcategorization acquisition with WSD. In Word sense disambiguation: recent successes and future directions, proceedings of the workshop, pp 102--108, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [WSD] google scholar
Hal Daume III and Daniel Marcu . 2002. A Noisy-Channel Model for Document Compression. In Proceedings of 40th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pp 449--456, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [cl09bib] url google scholar
Ted Pedersen. 2002. Assessing system agreement and instance difficulty in the lexical sample tasks of senseval-2. In Word sense disambiguation: recent successes and future directions, proceedings of the workshop, pp 40--46, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [WSD] google scholar
Diana McCarthy. 2002. Lexical substitution as a task for WSD evaluation. In Word sense disambiguation: recent successes and future directions, proceedings of the workshop, pp 109--115, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [WSD] google scholar
Alda Mari. 2002. Under-specification and contextual variability of abstract prepositions: a case study. In Word sense disambiguation: recent successes and future directions, proceedings of the workshop, pp 17--24, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [WSD] google scholar
Alexander Clark. 2001. Unsupervised Induction of Stochastic Context-Free Grammars using Distributional Clustering. In Proceedings of CoNLL 2001, Toulouse, France, July. [parsing, unsupervised, uparse] pdf google scholar
Michele Banko and Eric Brill . 2001. Scaling to Very Very Large Corpora for Natural Language Disambiguation. In Proceedings of 39th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pp 26--33, Toulouse, France, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. [cl09bib] url google scholar
Rada Mihalcea and Dan Moldovan. 1999. An automatic method for generating sense tagged corpora. In Proceedings of AAAI '99, pp 461--466, Orlando, FL, July. [WSD] google scholar
Kenneth Yip and Gerald Jay Sussman. 1997. Sparse representations for fast, one-shot learning. In AAAI '97, July. [NLP] google scholar
Pablo Alvarez and Larry R. Squire. 1994. Memory consolidation and the medial temporal lobe: A simple network model. In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol 91, pp 7041-7045, July. [COG] google scholar
Daniel Dennett. 1994. The path not taken: Commentary on Ned Block, On a confusion about a function of consciousness, July. [COG] google scholar
Matthew A. Wilson and Bruce L. McNaughton. 1994. Reactivation of hippocampal ensemble memories during sleep. Science, vol 265, pp 676-679, July. [COG] google scholar
Andras Farago and Gabor Lugosi. 1993. Strong Universal Consistency of Neural Network Classifiers. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol 39, no 4, pp 1146--1151, July. [ML] google scholar
Luc Devroye. 1988. Automatic Pattern Recognition: A Study of the Probability of Error. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol 10, no 4, pp 530--543, July. [ML] google scholar
Thomas M. Cover and Roger C. King. 1978. A Convergent Gambling Estimate of the Entropy of English. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol 24, no 4, pp 413--421, July. [SLM, NLP, semeval07.bib] pdf google scholar
Amos Tversky. 1977. Features of similarity. Psychological Review, vol 84, no 4, pp 327-351, July. [COG] google scholar

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