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month = May (15 entries)  Select: All None   Action: Show BibTeX

Aarohi Srivastava , Deniz Yuret, et al. 2023. Beyond the Imitation Game: Quantifying and extrapolating the capabilities of language models. Transactions on Machine Learning Research, May. [ai.ku] url url url url url annote google scholar
Tayfun Ateş, Muhammed Samil Ateşoğlu, Çağatay Yiğit, İlker Kesen, Mert Kobas, Erkut Erdem, Aykut Erdem, Tilbe Göksun and Deniz Yuret. 2022. CRAFT: A Benchmark for Causal Reasoning About Forces and inTeractions. In Findings of ACL, May. [ai.ku] url url url url google scholar
Ali Safaya, Emirhan Kurtuluş, Arda Göktoğan and Deniz Yuret. 2022. Mukayese: Turkish NLP Strikes Back. In Findings of ACL, May. [ai.ku] url url url url google scholar
Doğa Dikbayır, Enis Berk Çoban, İlker Kesen, Deniz Yuret and Didem Unat. 2018. Fast Multidimensional Reduction and Broadcast Operations on GPU for Machine Learning. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, May. [ai.ku] url pdf google scholar
Xavier Carreras and Llu{\'ıs Màrques, editors. 2004. CoNLL-2004 Shared Task: Semantic Role Labeling, Boston, MA, May. Association for Computational Linguistics. [SRL] url google scholar
Rada Mihalcea. 2002. Bootstrapping Large Sense Tagged Corpora. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Languages Resources and Evaluations LREC 2002, Las Palmas, Spain, May. [WSD, semeval07.bib] google scholar
Rada Mihalcea and Dan I. Moldovan. 2001. EZ. WordNet: principles for automatic generation of a coarse grained WordNet. In Proceedings of Flairs, pp 454--459, Key West, FL, May. [WSD] google scholar
Rada Mihalcea and Dan Moldovan. 2000. An iterative approach to word sense disambiguation. In Proceedings of Flairs 2000, pp 219--223, Orlando, FL, May. [WSD] google scholar
Adam Kilgarriff and J. Rosenzweig. 2000. English SENSEVAL: report and results. In Proc. LREC, Athens, May. [WSD] google scholar
Rada Mihalcea and Dan Moldovan. 1998. A WordNet based interface to internet search engines. In Proceedings of FLAIRS-98, Sanibel Island, FL, May. [WSD] google scholar
Adam Kilgarriff. 1998. SENSEVAL: an exercise in evaluating word sense disambiguation programs. In Proc. LREC, pp 581--588, Granada, May. [WSD] google scholar
Lisa Grunwald and Jeff Goldberg. 1993. The amazing minds of infants. Life, pp 46-56, May. [COG] google scholar
Gregg H. Recanzone, Michael M. Merzenich and Christoph E. Schreiner. 1992. Changes in the distributed temporal response properties of SI cortical neurons reflect improvements in performance on a temporally based tactile discrimination task. Journal of Neurophysiology, vol 67, no 5, pp 1071-1090, May. [COG] google scholar
David Haussler. 1990. Probably Approximately Correct Learning. In National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp 1101--1108, May. [ML] google scholar
Batuhan Özyurt and Deniz Yuret. 1024. Locations of Characters in Narratives: Andersen and Persuasion Datasets. In LREC, May. (rejected) url google scholar

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