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publisher = ACM Press (5 entries)  Select: All None   Action: Show BibTeX

Roberto Navigli. 2009. Word Sense Disambiguation: a Survey. ACM Computing Surveys, vol 41, no 2, pp 1--69. ACM Press. [cl09bib] google scholar
Anselm Blumer, Andrzej Ehrenfeucht, David Haussler and Manfred K. Warmuth. 1989. Learnability and the Vapnik-Chervonenkis Dimension. Journal of the ACM, vol 36, no 4, pp 929--965, October. ACM Press. [ML] google scholar
Ronald L. Rivest and Robert E. Schapire. 1989. Inference of Finite Automata Using Homing Sequences (extended abstract). In Proceedings of the Twenty-first Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, pp 411--420. ACM Press. [ML] google scholar
Michael Kearns, Ming Li, Leonard Pitt and Leslie G. Valiant. 1987. On the Learnability of Boolean Formulae. In Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual ACM Conference on Theory of Computing, pp 285--295, New York, NY. ACM Press. [ML] google scholar
Leslie G. Valiant. 1984. A Theory of the Learnable. Communications of the ACM, vol 27, no 11, pp 1134--1142. ACM Press. [ML] google scholar

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