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publisher = MAA (5 entries)  Select: All None   Action: Show BibTeX

S. Brent Morris. 1998. Magic Tricks, Card Shuffling and Dynamic Computer Memories. MAA. [book.math] google scholar books
Victor Klee and Stan Wagon. 1991. Old and new unsolved problems in plane geometry and number theory. MAA. [book.math] google scholar books
Murray S. Klamkin. 1986. International mathematical olympiads 1978-1985. MAA. [book.math] google scholar books
Samuel L. Greitzer. 1978. International mathematical olympiads 1959-1977. MAA. also have turkish edition and my olympiad notebook. [book.math] google scholar books
Elvira Rapaport. 1963. Hungarian problem book I. MAA. [book.math] google scholar books

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