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publisher = Oxford University Press (18 entries)  Select: All None   Action: Show BibTeX

Mark A. Finlayson, Floris Bex, Pablo Gervas and Deniz Yuret, editors. 2014. Literary and Linguistic Computing: Special Issue on Computational Models of Narrative, vol 29, no 4, December. Oxford University Press. [ai.ku] url google scholar
G.L. Wenk. 2010. Your brain on food: how chemicals control your thoughts and feelings. Oxford University Press. [book.brain, ebook, missing] url google scholar books
Cliff Goddard. 2010. Semantic Analysis: A Practical Introduction. Oxford University Press. [ebook] epub google scholar books
Vyvyan Evans. 2010. How Words Mean: Lexical Concepts, Cognitive Models, and Meaning Construction. Oxford University Press. [ebook] epub google scholar books
V. Vedral. 2010. Decoding reality: the universe as quantum information. Oxford University Press. [book.science] url google scholar books
V. Evans. 2009. How words mean: lexical concepts, cognitive models, and meaning construction. Oxford University Press. [book.language, ebook, 3D, missing] url google scholar books
F.E. Close. 2009. Antimatter. Oxford University Press. [book.science] url google scholar books
R.W. Langacker. 2008. Cognitive grammar: a basic introduction. Oxford University Press. [book.language] url google scholar books
S.J. Blackmore. 2006. Conversations on consciousness: what the best minds think about the brain, free will, and what it means to be human. Oxford University Press. [book.brain] url google scholar books
M. Lockwood. 2005. The Labyrinth of Time: Introducing the Universe. Oxford University Press. [book.science] google scholar books
Iain Davidson. 2003. Language Evolution. Oxford University Press. [enginthesis] google scholar
Ruslan Mitkov, editor. 2003. The Oxford Handbook of Computational Linguistics. Oxford University Press. [book.language] google scholar books
Ray Jackendoff. 2002. Foundations of Language : Brain, Meaning, Grammar, Evolution. Oxford University Press. [ebook] epub google scholar books
C. Goddard. 1998. Semantic analysis: a practical introduction. Oxford University Press. [3D, book.language, ebook, missing] url google scholar books
R. Courant, H. Robbins and I. Stewart. 1996. What is Mathematics?: An Elementary Approach to Ideas and Methods. Oxford University Press. [book.math, ebook] url pdf google scholar books
Kenneth Ward Church, William Gale, Patrick Hanks, Donald Hindle and Rosamund Moon. 1994. Lexical Substitutability. In Computational Approaches to the Lexicon, pp 153--177. Oxford University Press. [WSD, semeval07.bib] pdf google scholar
Stuart A. Kauffman . 1993. The origins of order: self organization and selection in evolution. Oxford University Press. [book.science] url google scholar books
R.M. Smullyan. 1987. Forever undecided: a puzzle guide to Gödel. Oxford University Press. [book.math] url google scholar books

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