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publisher = The MIT Press (7 entries)  Select: All None   Action: Show BibTeX

Ethem Alpaydın. 2014. Introduction to Machine Learning. The MIT Press. [book.ml] pdf google scholar books
M.M. Hurley, D.C. Dennett and R.B. Adams,. 2011. Inside Jokes: Using Humor to Reverse-Engineer the Mind. The MIT Press. [book.brain] url google scholar books
Christopher T. Haynes Daniel P. Friedman, Mitchell Wand. 2008. Essentials of Programming Languages - 3rd Edition. The MIT Press pdf google scholar books
Gary L. Drescher. 2006. Good and real: demystifying paradoxes from physics to ethics. The MIT Press. [book.ai, book.philosophy, missing] pdf google scholar books
Christopher T. Haynes Daniel P. Friedman, Mitchell Wand. 2001. Essentials of Programming Languages - 2nd Edition. The MIT Press pdf pdf google scholar books
P.E. Bloom, M.A. Peterson, L.E. Nadel and M.F. Garrett, editors. 1996. Language and space.. The MIT Press. [3D] google scholar books
R.S. Jackendoff. 1985. Semantics of Spatial Expressions. In Semantics and cognition. The MIT Press. [3D] pdf google scholar

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