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Avrim Blum. 1990. Separating Distribution-Free and Mistake-Bound Learning Models over the Boolean Domain. In IEEE 31st Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, vol 1, pp 211--218, October. [ML] google scholar
David Haussler. 1990. Probably Approximately Correct Learning. In National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp 1101--1108, May. [ML] google scholar
Donald Hindle. 1990. Noun classification in predicate-argument structures. In Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguist, pp 268-275. [NLP] google scholar
Merrill F. Garrett. 1990. Sentence processing, pp 134-175. [NLP] google scholar
Norman M. Fraser. 1990. Prolegomena to a formal theory of dependency grammar. UCL Working Papers in Linguistics, vol 2, pp 298--319, London. University College London. [NLP] google scholar
Richard A. Hudson. 1990. English word grammar. Blackwell. [NLP, book.language] google scholar books
William A. Gale, Kenneth Church and Murray Hill. 1990. Estimation procedures for language context: poor estimates are worse than none. [NLP] google scholar
Mark D. Kernighan, Kenneth Church and William A. Gale. 1990. A spelling correction program based on a noisy channel model. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Computational Linguistics, pp 205--210. [NLP, acl08smoothing, SLM] google scholar
Howard Lasnik. 1990. Syntax, pp 5-21. [NLP] google scholar
K. Lari and S.J. Young. 1990. The estimation of stochastic context-free grammars using the Inside-Outside algorithm. Computer Speech and Language, vol 4, no 1, pp 35-56. [NLP, uparse] google scholar
Kimmo Koskenniemi. 1990. Finite-state parsing and disambiguation. In Proceedings of the 13th Intenational Conference on Computational Linguistics, vol 2, pp 229-232. [NLP] google scholar
Kenneth I. Forster. 1990. Lexical processing, pp 95-131. [NLP] google scholar
Robert J.P. Ingria. 1990. The limits of unification. In Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguist, pp 194-204. [NLP] google scholar
M. Emele and R. Zajac. 1990. Typed unification grammars. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, vol 3, pp 293-298. [NLP] google scholar
Ray Jackendoff. 1990. Semantic Structures. MIT Press. [book.language, 3D] google scholar books
Derek Bickerton. 1990. Language and species. Chicago. [book.language] google scholar books
Robert E. Schapire. 1990. The Strength of Weak Learnability. Machien Learning, vol 5, pp 197--227, Boston, MA. Kluwer Academic Publishers. [ML] google scholar
David E. Rumelhart, Geoffrey E. Hinton and Ronald J. Williams. 1990. Learning Internal Representations by Error Propagation. In Readings in Machine Learning, pp 115--137, San Mateo, CA. Kaufmann. [ML] google scholar
Evan L. Antworth. 1990. PC-Kimmo: A two level processor for morphological analysis, Dallas, Texas. Summer Institute of Linguistics. [NLP, book.language] google scholar books
Robert C. Berwick and Sandiway Fong. 1990. Principle-based parsing: Natural language processing for the 1990s. In Artificial Intelligence at MIT: Expanding Frontiers, vol 1, pp 287-325. MIT Press. [NLP] google scholar
Bonnie Dorr. 1990. Machine translation: A principle-based approach, pp 327-361. [NLP] google scholar
Carl G. de Marcken. 1990. Parsing the LOB corpus. In Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguist, pp 243-251. [NLP] google scholar
Gavin Burnage. 1990. Celex, a guide for users. [NLP] google scholar books
Peter F. Brown, John Cocke, Stephen A. Della Pietra, Vincent J. Della Pietra, Frederick Jelinek, John D. Lafferty, Robert L. Mercer and Paul S. Roossin. 1990. A statistical approach to machine translation. Computational Linguistics, vol 16, no 2, pp 79-85. [NLP, acl08smoothing, SLM, cl09bib] google scholar
David M. Magerman and Mitchell Marcus. 1990. Parsing a natural language using mutual information statistics. In AAAI-90. [NLP] google scholar
Alec Marantz. 1990. Implications of asymmetries in double object constructions. [NLP] google scholar
Orhan Pamuk. 1990. The Black Book. Faber and Faber. [book.fiction] google scholar books
R.S. Jackendoff. 1990. Consciousness and the computational mind. MIT Press. [book.language] url google scholar books
E.T. Mueller. 1990. Daydreaming in humans and machines: a computer model of the stream of thought. Ablex. [book.ai] url google scholar books
Robert Sedgewick. 1990. Algorithms in C. Addison-Wesley. [book.computers] google scholar books
Isaac Asimov. 1990. Nightfall. Bantam Books. [book.scifi] google scholar books
David Brin. 1990. Earth. Spectra. [book.scifi] google scholar books
ISO . 1990. C90 Standard. ISO/IEC 9899:1990. [C, book.computers, ebook] pdf google scholar
Beatrice Santorini. 1990. Part-of-Speech Tagging Guidelines for the Penn Treebank Project. [comp542] pdf pdf google scholar
Eugene Ehrlich. 1990. Amo, Amas, Amat and More. Collins Reference. [book.nonfiction] google scholar books
Alexander Tzonis. 1990. Hermes and the Golden Thinking Machine. Bradford Book. [book.scifi] google scholar books
Adobe . 1990. Postscript language reference manual. Addison-Wesley. [book.computers] google scholar books
Ward and Halstead . 1990. Computation structures. MIT Press & McGraw-Hill. [book.computers] google scholar books
Evelyne Tzoukermann and Mark Y. Liberman. 1990. A finite-state morphological processor for Spanish. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, vol 3, pp 277-282. [NLP] google scholar
R. Sharman, Frederick Jelinek and R.L. Mercer. 1990. Generating a grammar for statistical training. In Proceedings of the Third DARPA Speech and Natural Language Workshop, pp 267-274. [NLP] google scholar
Eric Sven Ristad. 1990. Computational structure of human language. [NLP] google scholar
Anton Nijholt. 1990. Overview of parallel parsing strategies, pp 207-229. [NLP] google scholar
John Bowlby. 1990. Charles darwin: a new life. Norton. [book.science] google scholar books
William A. Gale, Kenneth W. Church and Murray Hill. 1990. Estimation procedures for language context: poor estimates are worse than none. inproceedings. [WSD] google scholar
Martha Farah. 1990. Visual Agnosia. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
Bryan Kolb and Ian Q. Whishaw. 1990. Fundamentals of human neuropsychology. Freeman. [book.brain] google scholar books
Vladimir Lifschitz, editor. 1990. Formalizing common sense: papers by John McCarthy. Ablex. [book.ai] google scholar books
G. Larry Bretthorst. 1990. An Introduction to Parameter Estimation Using Bayesian Probability Theory. In Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods. [Bayes, npbayes] pdf google scholar
S. McRoy and Graeme Hirst. 1990. Race-based parsing and syntactic disambiguation. Cognitive Science, vol 14, pp 313-353. [NLP] google scholar
John Von Neumann and O. Morgenstern. 1990. The theory of games and economic behavior. Princeton. [book.mathtext] google scholar books
RV Guha and Douglas B. Lenat. 1990. Cyc: A midterm report. AI Magazine. Published: AI Magazine, Fall 1990, pp.32-59. [AI] google scholar
W. Daniel Hillis. 1990. Co-evolving parasites improve simulated evolution as an optimization procedure. Physica, vol 42, pp 228-234. [AI] google scholar
RV Guha. 1990. Micro-theories and contexts in Cyc Part I: Basic issues. Technical Report. MCC. [AI] google scholar
RV Guha and Douglas B. Lenat. 1990. The CycL representation language, Part 4. Technical Report. MCC. [AI] google scholar
RV Guha and Douglas B. Lenat. 1990. Cyc: A midterm report. Technical Report. MCC. Published: AI Magazine, Fall 1990, pp.32-59. [AI] google scholar
Norbert Klingbeil and Jonathan Schaeffer. 1990. Empirical results with conspiracy numbers. [AI] google scholar
Raymond Kurzweil. 1990. A Platonic dialogue on the nature of human thought. [AI] google scholar
Albert S. Bregman. 1990. Auditory scene analysis. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
Elizabeth Spelke. 1990. Principles of object perception. Cognitive Science, vol 14, pp 29--56. [CLL] google scholar
Jonathan Schaeffer. 1990. Conspiracy numbers. [AI] google scholar
Pattie Maes and Rodney Allen Brooks. 1990. Learning to coordinate behaviors. [AI] google scholar
RV Guha. 1990. The representation of defaults in Cyc. Technical Report. MCC. [AI] google scholar
David Chapman. 1990. Vision, instruction and action. [AI] google scholar
Allen Newell. 1990. Unified theories of cognition. Harvard. William James Lectures 1987;. [book.ai] google scholar books
T. Anthony Marsland and Jonathan Schaeffer, editors. 1990. Computers, Chess, and Cognition. Springer Verlag. [book.ai] google scholar books
Douglas B. Lenat and RV Guha. 1990. Building large knowledge-based systems: representation and inference in the Cyc project. Addison-Wesley. [book.ai] google scholar books
Raymond Kurzweil. 1990. The age of intelligent machines. MIT Press. [book.ai] google scholar books
Jude W. Shavlik and Thomas G. Dietterich, editors. 1990. Readings in machine learning. Morgan Kaufmann. [book.ml] google scholar books
Colin M. Angle and Rodney Allen Brooks. 1990. Small planetary rovers. [AI] google scholar
Rodney Allen Brooks, Pattie Maes, Maja J. Mataric and Grinell More. 1990. Lunar base construction robots. [AI] google scholar
Rodney Allen Brooks. 1990. Challenges for complete creature architectures. [AI] google scholar
Rodney Allen Brooks. 1990. The behavior language: user's guide. [AI] google scholar
Rodney Allen Brooks. 1990. Elephants don't play chess. [AI] google scholar
Gerald M. Edelman. 1990. Remembered present: a biological theory of consciousness. Basic. [book.brain] google scholar books
Charles R. Gallistel. 1990. The organization of learning. MIT Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
Henry L. Roediger, Suparna Rajaram and Kavitha Srinivas. 1990. Specifying criteria for postulating memory systems, pp 572-589. From:Diamond, Development and Neural Basis of Higher Cognitive Functions. Annals of the New. [COG] google scholar
V. S. Ramachandran. 1990. Visual perception in people and machines, pp 21-77. From:Blake & Troscianko, AI and the Eye, chap 3. [COG] google scholar
Mary C. Potter. 1990. Remembering, pp 332-361. From:Osherson & Smith, Invitation to Cognitive Science. [COG] google scholar
Tomaso Poggio. 1990. A theory of how the brain might work. AI Memo. MIT. [COG] google scholar
Philip Teitelbaum, Vivien C. Pellis and Sergio M. Pellis. 1990. Can allied reflexes promote integration os a robot's behavior?. In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior. Published as: From Animals to Animats, MIT Press, 1991. [COG] google scholar
Timothy C. Bell, John G. Cleary and Ian H. Witten. 1990. Text compression. Prentice Hall. [book.computers] google scholar books
Gregory J. Chaitin. 1990. Information randomness and incompleteness. World Scientific. [book.mathtext] google scholar books
William Dunham. 1990. Journey through genius. Wiley. [book.math] google scholar books
Robert C. Merton. 1990. Continuous time finance. Blackwell. [book.econ] google scholar books
G. L. Steele. 1990. Common lisp. Digital Press. [book.computers] google scholar books
Rosaleen A. McCarthy and Elisabeth K. Warrington. 1990. Cognitive Neuropsychology: A clinical introduction, pp 57-151. chap 3: face recognition,chap 4: spatial perception,chap 5: voluntary action,chap 6: auditor. [COG] google scholar
John R. Koza. 1990. Evolution and co-evolution of computer programs to control independently-acting agents. In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, pp 366-375. From:Meyer & Wilson, From Animals to Animats, MIT, 1991. [COG] google scholar
Rodney Allen Brooks. 1990. Challenges for complete creature architectures. In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, pp 434-443. [COG] google scholar
Derek Bickerton. 1990. Language and Species, pp 75-104,164-231. chapters 4,7,8 from the chicago book. [COG] google scholar
Osherson and al . 1990. An invitation to cognitive science, 3 vols. MIT Press. Vol 1: Language; Vol 2: Visual cognition and action; Vol 3: Thinking;. [book.brain] google scholar books
Rosaleen A. McCarthy and Elizabeth K. Warrington. 1990. Cognitive neuropsychology: a clinical introduction. Academic Press. [book.brain] google scholar books
Dorothy L. Cheney and Robert M. Seyfarth. 1990. How monkeys see the world, pp 256-312. Chicago, chaps 9 and 10. [COG] google scholar
Fergus I.M. Craik. 1990. Changes in memory with normal aging: A functional view. Advances in Neurology, vol 51, pp 201-205. [COG] google scholar
Douglas L. Hintzman. 1990. Human learning and memory: Connections and dissociations. Annual Review of Psychology, vol 41, pp 109-139. [COG] google scholar
John H. Growdon, Suzanne Corkin and T. John Rosen. 1990. Distinctive aspects of cognitive dysfunction in Parkinson's disease. Advances in Neurology, vol 53, pp 365-376. ed. Streifler et al.. [COG] google scholar
Kenneth I. Forster. 1990. Lexical processing, pp 95-131. From:Osherson et al, An Invitation to Cognitive Science, vol 1 language, Ch 5. [COG] google scholar
Mahlon R. DeLong. 1990. Primate models of movement disorders of basal ganglia origin. Trends in Neuroscience, vol 13, no 7, pp 281-285. [COG] google scholar
Ernest Davis. 1990. Representations of commonsense knowledge. Morgan Kaufmann. [book.ai] google scholar books

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