Dynamic hill climbing: Overcoming the limitations of optimization
Deniz Yuret and Michael de la Maza (1993)
( PS )
Dynamic hill climbing: Overcoming the limitations of optimization
techniques. In The Second Turkish Symposium on Artificial
Intelligence and Neural Networks.
This paper describes a novel search algorithm, called dynamic hill
climbing, that borrows ideas from genetic algorithms and hill climbing
techniques. Unlike both genetic and hill climbing algorithms, dynamic
hill climbing has the ability to dynamically change its coordinate
frame during the course of an optimization. Furthermore, the
algorithm moves from a coarse-grained search to a fine-grained search
of the function space by changing its mutation rate and uses a
diversity-based distance metric to ensure that it searches new regions
of the space. Dynamic hill climbing is empirically compared to a
traditional genetic algorithm using De Jong's well-known five function
test suite and is shown to vastly surpass the performance of the
genetic algorithm, often finding better solutions using only 1% as
many function evaluations.