... meaningfulness1.1
Sentence (3) is from Chomsky [Chomsky, 1957]. Sentence (1) is attributed to Lenat. Sentence (2) is from Schank [Schank and Colby, 1973].
... material2.1
AP Newswire 1988-1990 data from the TIPSTER Information Retrieval Text Research Collection.
... graph3.1
Syntactic relation links drawn over words do not cross
... word3.2
The word probabilities were estimated using a 227 million word corpus dominated by news material.
... model3.3
These numbers do not take into account the encoding of the dependency structure.
... variables3.4
As opposed to Bayesian networks which are directed.
... sentence3.5
See [Mel'cuk, 1988, p. 25] for a discussion.
... linked4.1
Unless they are attracted very strongly and are able to break the X-Y link.
Deniz Yuret